Thursday 14 February 2008

Saving the world... One Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich at a time!

I just came across this article - apparently we can save the world by eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

According to the article, eating a peanut butter and jelly (PB&J!) sandwich instead of a meat/egg/fish based snack saves water, saves land, saves natural resources and slows global warming!

Choosing PB&J over a meat-based sandwich saves:

  • the equivalent of almost 3.5 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, including 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide.
  • about 280 gallons of water
  • anywhere from 12 to 50 square feet of land from deforestation, overgrazing, and pesticide and fertilizer pollution.
Headline numbers, eh??

I know that whilst I only buy free-range eggs, usually buy organic free-range meat and buy local, seasonal produce where possible, I certainly don't think enough about the environmental impact of what I choose to cook and eat. Whilst I'm not saying I'll never have a ham sandwich again, this article has made me realise that small differences can mean big differences - and I'm blogging it here to hopefully spread the word!

Please read the article, and if you agree, talk it up!

And now - a confession! I've never tried PB&J. I'm going to rectify that soon with a PB&J snack fest. Expect a post soon with my experiences - toasted, fried and raw!

Watch this space!

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3 comments: said...

I really got a kick out of that article. Thanks for sharing :)

I don't eat meat all that often (a taste choice, not anything to do with my beliefs) but maybe I will eat a peanut butter sandwich with this in mind :)

Jen said...

Hmmmm.... this is really interesting. I remember a high school biology teacher telling us that it takes more energy to produce a cow then we get from eating it but the article definitely spells it out. It's kind of curious that they add eggs and milk/cheese to the list of products that one should avoid, as the chicken/cow can keep on producing the eggs/milk for quite a while, so it seems to me at least that while not as good as veggies, they wouldn't be nearly as bad as eating meat either.

I almost never eat meat at lunch just because I don't like it that much either, but I'll definitely feel better about my choice... and peanut butter is one of my favorite things in the world.

Jonah Carter said...

Thanks, great blog post