I'm back! Kittie is officially now in a different kitchen... and just about recovered from the trauma of moving...
What a week. In the space of seven days...
I'm back! Kittie is officially now in a different kitchen... and just about recovered from the trauma of moving...
What a week. In the space of seven days...
- I've packed up my wee flat and moved into a proper house!
- I've left the cats with their new owner - happy to report things seem to be going well so far!
- Three of my good friends have left the country - two to South America, and one to Turkey... have a wonderful time guys, missing you already.
- My work contract has come to an end - back to the bench for me...
- My best friend has booked her tickets for a six month traveling expedition - exciting!!
- ... and last, but by no means least, one of my best friends has just got married - congratulations, M&M!
Lentil and Ham Hock Soup

- 1 ham hock, preferably smoked
- 2 large onions, roughly chopped
- 3 medium carrots, roughly chopped
- 1 carrot, for the stock
- 1 celery for the stock
- 2 cloves garlic (optional) Left whole, but bashed a bit
- 2 cups red lentils, washed
- 3 sticks celery, roughly chopped
- 6 black pepper corns
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 clove
- butter to fry
- salt to taste
Place the hock in a large soup pot. Add one onion, one carrot, one stick of celery and the garlic (if using). Add the bay leaves, peppercorns and clove, bring to the boil, cover and simmer for an hour and a half.
Strain the stock, reserving the hock, and discard the veg and spice.
Prepare the Base...
Heat some butter in your soup pot, then add the rest of the onion, celery and carrot. Fry until softened slightly, then pour in the stock. Stir in the lentils and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the lentils are cooked through. Check seasoning after about 10 minutes and adjust as required.
While the lentils are cooking, remove as much meat as you can from the hock, and chop into bite-sized pieces.
Finish the Soup...
Once the lentils are fully cooked, remove the soup from the heat and blitz to desired consistency. Add the hock meat pieces into the soup.
Serve your lentil broth with crusty bread, a grind of black pepper and a sigh of relief.
Serve your lentil broth with crusty bread, a grind of black pepper and a sigh of relief.

Scottish Word of the Day!
Puggled - knackered, tired,
Ah'm fair puggled efter moving' yisturday - ah wiz desperate fur mah scratcher by the time ah got in mah new hoose!
This is also my entry for the amazing World Food Day event being hosted by Ivy and Val!
World Food Day is an event to raise awareness of the problem of hunger in the world and to bring to our attention what we can do about it personally. It is a day to encourage us and our governments to be well informed on the issues and to have a plan of action!!!
The event requires participants to make dishes that will feed at least 6 people...
We could then lay each dish back to back and have enough food to feed everyone on our street. If more people joined we could feed everyone in our city...our country...the world...you get the picture!!! A conga line of international dishes to feed the world!!!!
World Food Day is an event to raise awareness of the problem of hunger in the world and to bring to our attention what we can do about it personally. It is a day to encourage us and our governments to be well informed on the issues and to have a plan of action!!!
The event requires participants to make dishes that will feed at least 6 people...
We could then lay each dish back to back and have enough food to feed everyone on our street. If more people joined we could feed everyone in our city...our country...the world...you get the picture!!! A conga line of international dishes to feed the world!!!!

Welcome back! What is a scratcher??!
Your soup looks just perfect for this time of year.
What a delicious looking soup! It just screams fall to me.
Welcome back and to your new, temporary abode.
I too would make something comforting to help ease into the new digs.
Your soup is soothing and it reminds me of French Candadian Pea Soup (w/ smoked hock).
I can just see you wanting to feed your entire street with this delicious soup Kittie. We can solve hunger 1 baby step at a time:D
Wow, what an intense 7 days! I agree, there's nothing more nourishing than soup. I love that last picture and how the soup stands out against the monochromatic table and bowl. It's really cool!
Hi Kittie and thanks for submitting a recipe for the WFD. I haven't been feeling well for a few days now and I am making a small effort to catch up with all the posts I've missed. Your dish sounds delicious.
Aaaaahh I want to dive in that lentil soup! It looks gorgeous! I'll make it for sure... love all ingredients and this is the ham's country :D
Moving is so stressful. So glad you are settled in your new home :D
And still you manage to come back bearing food :) Thank you! I love ham and pea soup, so I'm sure I'm going to love this.
I'm glad the cats are okay, and that Kittie is doing just as well. Take care.
It's great to have you back Kittie, I knew something was missing 'round here :) That soup looks so hearty and great... I love how you call it a 'student' soup. I totally dig that.
Welcome back! Your soup looks very conforting indeed. I might try it, as I always have those ingredients on hand!
Hi Helen! It's a bed... also known as a pit... ;)
Thanks Sam - can't beat a good bowl of soup in Autumn...
Hey Candy - thanks for stopping by!
Hi Peter - that's a new one to me, but anything with smoked hock can't be bad :)
Hi Val - at university, I used to feed half the halls with it!!
Thanks Andrea! I could work out how to make soup look pretty - so I put it in my favourite mug and saucer!
I hope you feel better soon Ivy :)
Of course - you must get amazing ham bones to work with Nuria!
Dee, I should maybe admit that my first meal in my new place was a take-away curry ;)
Thanks Adam! To me, student food was anything that was a) cheap, and b) could be prepared in one pot - less washing up = more beer time!
Thanks FoodJunkie! At a push, you can make this with ham stock cubes and bacon!
I've had this on my list of things to make for ages but can never seem to find a ham hock. Looks lovely!
Hi Kittie
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! Hope you will visit again soon.
I love soups, especially at this time of year and this Lentil and Ham Hock Soup looks so delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
That sounds totally delicious Kittie! Welcome back and I am glad to hear that you are settling in your new place!
Puggled is a most excellent word and I will make every effort to include it in my vocabulary.
The soup looks soothing and satisfying. I should source out smoked ham hocks for fall/winter soup making.
You have had a lot of change, take extra special care and pamper yourself.
This looks SO great Kittie, just perfect -tasty, healthy, warm and comforting...
Congrats on your move! Wow, your life really sounds like it is in quite the upheaval! But all for the best it sounds like too.
Okay, in reference to your comment on my blog on where I am, I'm a little confused. I didn't know if you meant where do I live because I wrote about the cultural things or where am I because I haven't posted for 4 days which is unusual -or did you mean something else entirely? I live in Australia and I am posting this morning, (night for me) despite being on holiday to a secret location of which I will tell soon enough... is that what you meant?
Cheers mattie!
Hey Ginger! Ask your butcher - he might keep one back for you!
Thank maria - and thanks for stopping by!
Hi Jenn! Yes, settling in fine - going to try cooking my first proper dinner tonight!
Thanks Natashya, I think I will :)
Oops - didn't mean to confuse ;) I did mean geographically! Have a great holiday - Ms Mysterious ;)
what a warm way to welcome us again... :)
You've been a busy that's for sure. Congrats on your new kitchen!
All these delicious lentil soups that I stumble upon these days make me wonder why I've never used lentil in soups before. Will have to remedy that soon :D
Congrats on getting settled in. At least you have a breather with the contract ending. This soup looks really comforting.Might make up some this weekend.
I love that you used British slang to define Scottish slang. The Americans are scratching their heads right now. Except me, of course. Because I watch Skins, I am totally fluent.
Gah, I'm such a slacker for not getting something in for your roundup. Next time!
Hi Kittie! Love the psychedelic colors in these photos! :)
Today is World Food Day Kittie. Come and join the party!!!! Thank you for all your help in spreading the word about this global issue:D Now...let's DANCE!!!!!
This soup sounds really good. I like using ham in soups like this as it adds so much flavour.
Nice recipe for a chilly fall day!
I love lentils, always so warming and satisfying. Never had it with pork, though so thanks for this recipe!
Val - thanks for hosting such a wonderful event!
Kevin, I totally agree - especially if smoked :)
Hi Giff - a hug from the inside ;)
Hey Jude - you should definitely try it if you like lentils - it takes them to a whole new level!
You had me at hello!!!
I actually have something that I think would be perfect for this soup - at Borough they were recently selling the very end bits of Parma hams that were not really sliceable - cheap, vac packed and ready to pop into your soup or lentil dish to infuse it with flavour. I think mine may just have found its destiny :)
I'm making this for dinner tonight. I think I'll try to shoot it, but I don't think it will be as pretty as your picture!
I'm pretty amaze with your recipes and good ideas for dishes, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
A puggle is a baby platapus! I've just made the most delicious ham hock stock and tomorrow I'm going to try create your lentil hock soup. Wish me luck :)
Just found your site through Tastespotting, as I was looking for a red lentil & ham hock soup, and this is perfect! Thank you so much - it will be simmering on the stove this morning.
I am making the soup right now, and noticed that you do not ay how much or what type of liquid to use with the stick part of the recipe. How much liquid and what (water, broth)?
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