Monday 22 September 2008

Scottish Scran 5 - Girdle Scones

After a few days of feeling rather under the weather, I have been comforting myself by cooking up a storm of Scottish comfort food. Mince and tatties, lentil and ham soup, tattie scones... Not a chili in sight for four days - maybe a record for me?!

For a morning snack - still emptying those cupboards - I made these girdle scones - also known as drop scones, Scottish pancakes, griddle scones, drapped scones, scotch pancakes... Girdle is a Scots word for griddle - just in case you were wondering!

They are one of the first things I ever made myself - and also one of the few non savoury things I remember my mum cooking when I was young. Like me, she's always preferred savoury to sweet. One of the other sweet things was rhubarb tart - the only pud my dad will eat!

My favourite way to eat these is hot from the pan, slathered in good butter. Or occasionally with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of sugar... And once in a while, a daub of nutella. Some people like them with jam and cream - but I think they might just be secretly wishing for a baked scone...

Girdle scones really are best straight after cooking - and only take minutes to make, so there is no excuse!

Check out the rest of my Scottish Scran here!

Girdle Scones

Made about 20 scones!
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • milk to mix, up to 1 cup
  • pinch salt
Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl and mix in the salt and sugar. Make a well in the flour and crack the egg into it, then start incorporating the flour into the egg. Add the milk little by little until you have a thick batter.

Heat a griddle (or frying pan!) to a medium heat and grease with a bit of butter or oil. Add tablespoons of the batter to the pan and cook until bubbles break the surface. This should take less than a minute, but shouldn't start immediately - it might take you a couple of goes to get the temperature just right - it always does for me!

Lightly grease the pan between lots.

I always have mine warm with butter... but a dab of jam, or lemon and sugar would also make good toppings!

Serve warm with a cuppa!

Scottish Word of the Day!

Ok, so it isn't actually a Scottish word - but here's a quick note on the word Scotch!

The word Scotch is actually an English adjective meaning 'of or from Scotland'. It was first recorded in the 16th century, and - despite being an English word - was incorporated into the Scots language in the 17th century,

By the early 19th century scotch was rejected by Scottish people as an Anglicised affectation.
It is now pretty much obsolete for general use - and is often considered to be patronising and somewhat offensive.*

There are still some valid uses of scotch though, i.e. Scotch broth, Scotch whisky, Scotch pie, Scotch eggs... and of course, today's treat - Scotch pancakes... Funny how most of them are food and drink!

One more scotch thing... Butterscotch does not originate from Scotland! In this case,
scotch comes from the Old French word escocher meaning to cut. So, butterscotch is a sweetie made from butter and usually cut into small pieces!

PS. Don't think it's come up before, but I used to study history - including a year of Scottish history! And I thought it would never come in useful... ;)

* I take this quote by historian A. J. P. Taylor as a point in case! ;)
Some inhabitants of Scotland now call themselves Scots and their affairs Scottish. They are entitled to do so. The English word for both is Scotch, just as we call les français the French and Deutschland Germany. Being English, I use it.
Preface to English History 1914–1945

Oh, ok then. I can't leave you with out a real Scottish word of the day... so here's a handful for you to decipher yourself!

Since ah've been no weel, ah've been awfy peely-wally an' feelin' fair puggled a' the time. An' a hud tae miss ma pal's pairty which wuz a right scunner: ah'd been looking forrit to a bit o' a swally!

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Thistlemoon said...

Those look great Kittie. I am not a fan of the big American pancakes, but for some reason most of the European versions I enjoy - I wonder what is up with THAT??!!! LOL!

Deborah said...

I've never had these before, but they sure do look good!!

Sam said...

Mmmmm... Scotch pancakes are one of my favourite things although I'm ashamed to say I've never made my own.
I rely on Mr Warburton to make mine for me!!!

Unknown said...

Those look delicious! Classic comfort food.

Susan @ SGCC said...

Wow! Those sure do look great! How did I miss them when I was in Scotland!

Michele said...

My vote goes for butter, lemon and sugar on top. With a nice cuppa and a nap afterwards. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the morning, the Scottish way, hehehe

Lore said...

I'd definitely make at least six of them vanish in the morning. They do look delicious!

Natalie Que said...

Oh! I thought they were called Girdle Scones because you will need to cinch up the 'ol girdle after eating them!

They look so good! I love food like this.

Peter M said...

Playing sick and eating, eh? You might want to see if you fit in those jeans! lol

Your scones do look like pancakes and I do like the jam & butter topping...magic!

Anonymous said...

milk & sugar to make little sweet things are my favourite words in any sentence :)

Adam said...

Is there a Scottish proverb that says "One can never have too many pancakes"? If not, there should be. Yours look delicious :)

Laura Paterson said...

Must be your Italian roots Jenn! ;) I didn't like American style pancakes when I first tried them - but have come around now... especially with maple syrup!

Thanks Deborah!

Sam, tut tut tut... ;) Well hopefully now you can see how easy they are you can have a go!

Thanks lf - they definitely cheered me up!

Hey susan! Where about in Scotland were you?!?

michele - I'm in the office right now... pancakes, cuppa and a nap sound like bliss!

Hi noobcook! They are usually a snack to have with a cuppa - but I did actually have them for breakfast last week ;)

Thanks Lore - I 'vanished' a fair few myself!

lol hot garlic - that interpretation also works ;)

Alas Peter, my appetite was unaffected... I think a gym visit might be in order ;)

Hey kang - thanks for stopping by!

Laura Paterson said...

Oops, almost missed you there Adam! I think I might have to include some Scottish proverbs from now one... they tend to be pretty descriptive ;)

"A bald head is sune shaved"
"A close mouth catches nae flees."
"A fu' cup is ill to carry."

Manggy said...

Thanks for the history lesson-- I find it amazing that people study it-- I hate it with a passion, unless someone makes it fun, i.e. food history, heh heh :)

I love your "Drapped" scones! How about this for South American flavor (not too far-off since we were both colonized by the Spanish-- more history)-- I like mine with loads of condensed milk!

Jessica said...

My great-grandfather used to make these and I loved the crunchy, crispy outer ring. Yours look just like his! Yummy!

(Thanks for your kind squash comment too - the squash was great with the tang of the goat cheese and the sweet burst from the cherry tomatoes!)

NKP said...

These look great, like a cross between an English muffin and a pancake. I am not familiar with the griddle breads, thanks for the intro!

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

hi kittie
thanks for passing by my blog is wonderful and the posts are really good to stop by...the scones looks great and must be good to eat as well !

Deborah said...

If I served these to the husband with no maple syrup in sight, I'd be teetering on the thin edge of a fight.

But *I* think these look wonderful!

Dee said...

Very good read, Kittie! Yay, for Scotch.

Your griddle scones sound a lot like crumpets... uhm, without the yeast... hmm, maybe not. They look great! But what do you mean by Nutella once in a while?

Anonymous said...

Lovely pancakes (or is it scones?) and scrumptious photo too. I haven't been to Scotland so, I'm not sure but your Girdle Scones sure looks like pancake and a bit like Liège waffle which is denser compared to Brussels Waffle.

I love scones too... Is not that popular in Belgium but when I'm back in my hometown - an island formerly known as Prince Of Wales island, we love scones - plain & with raisins and pancakes with tea/coffee. I have Belgian friends who asked me to bring back scones for them LOL

thanks for the recipe.. and I wished you all the best in your new kitchen! Can't wait to see more recipes and adventures.

Anonymous said...

I know it might be a stupid question Kittie, but what is the difference between these and crumpets? Cheers

Laura Paterson said...

manggy - I hated it too after a while - which is why I moved into IT! Oooo... condensed milk - I have an amazing scottish condensed milk recipe to make, thanks for reminding me :D

jessica - that's great! They always remind me of my granny - who would bring them out on a plate with a cup of tea whenever I went to visit. That and a tunnocks teacake - but that's a different story ;)

Hi Natashya - any time! Griddle breads are so quick - it made me realise I should make them more!

Thanks anamika - and cheers for dropping by!

Hey Deborah! Just make sure you call them scones not pancakes and you'd be fine ;)

Thanks dee! Nutella has a very short shelf life in my place. Mostly consumed straight from the jar when nobodies watching. But also amazing mixed with vodka for a chocolately shot ;)

Thank you for the lovely and interesting comment Pixen! I love those chayote hosts in your last post :)

Hey foodjunkie - not a stupid question at all - my pic does look similar. However, crumpets are yeasted, and not at all sweet. They are also traditionally much deeper than these scones - though skinny versions do exist - we call them pikelets!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

These sound like a wonderful way to start the day Kittie:D

ley said...

Those look really good! Especially since I haven't had breakfast

I never realized that "Scotch" was looked down upon. Hm. I'll have to make a conscious effort to not use it, then. I like your history lessons! :)

Maria said...

I really want to try these! They look oh so good!

Sam said...

I've given you an award! come take a look.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, now I can sleep well..:-)

Snooky doodle said...

These look nice and are for me. They re easy to make :-)Nice photos.

Laura Paterson said...

Thanks Val - they were! ps. my next breakfast foray is your crumpets!!

Ley - Everything looks good before breakfast, lol ;)

Thanks Maria - I hope you do!

Sam - thanks so much :D

foodjunkie... watch this space for my crumpet post !!

Cheers snooky - much appreciated!

Natalie Que said...

You're the greatest! I didn't think of that, that people could be following the comment follow-up!

I am mostly concerned with the commenters that don't have blogs, since I usually return all of my comments to everyone else. I just want to let them know how much I appreciate the time they took to appreciate my blog and my food! You know? Good to know SOMEBODY reads them, since they are a major time-suck!

Thanks Kittie!

RecipeGirl said...

Very interesting... I'd love to try out a Scottish version of our American pancakes!

Anonymous said...

these are great!!! a must try for me... :)

Laura Paterson said...

No problem HG! It's always good to know someone's listening, right? :)

Hey recipe girl! They aren't as sweet/fluffy as American pancakes - and you don't need a fork to eat them!

Hi mikky - hope you like them :)

Anonymous said...

These are what we call pikelets in Australia. Same as pancakes, but with sugar and smaller.

Unknown said...

Strangely enough this is NOT anything like I was looking for when I googled for "girdle scones". My (Scottish) grandmother used to make 'em and they were savory not sweet. And looked nothing like this! Interestingly no-one else here seems to have noticed this so maybe what my grandmother called girdle scones in fact were not? I've seached google and I really can't find a picture anywhere that looks like them except maybe That might be them maybe. They were like a thick piece of chewy white/gray bread cut into rectangles about 1/4 size a slice of bread and delicious with butter on them! If they are not called girdle scones does anyone know what they might be? Actually I think I'll try the reciepe in the link - it might be it. Yum. I haven't had them for many, many years. Ah .. and pigs head braun (my other grandmother) -- but at least I can find that on the net (maybe I can buy somesomewhere - I remember my mum making it once and the poor pigs head staring up at us from the pot as it cooked away for hours [ok so you had to open the lid to see it - but of course we did many times] -- I don't know if my wife would be too happy with that in the kitchen!)
Ah well -- the scones first.

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