Wednesday, 12 December 2007

So this is my blog...

Well - after 3 or 4 aborted attempts I have finally managed to set up my own blog... Since that happening it has also taken me a couple of days before I managed to actually do any writing!

Being a bit of a techie by heart, when I realised I could customise, personalise and otherwise transform my blog page I immediately set to work trying to find out everything I could before starting the all important task of writing... But I realised today that if I waited until I was happy with the look of it before I started actually blogging, then it would never happen!

So I have defaulted back to my original settings and decided to put fingers to typewriter in earnest.

I wanted to start a blog to keep track of my adventures in cooking - which has been my constant passion as long as I can remember. I also just bought a shiny new digital camera with which I will hopefully be able to visually document stuff. If I can work out how to attach it to the computer... (Yes, I know I said I'm a techie - but this counts as hardware...?)

Here are some things you may want to know about me:

  • I live in a small flat (apartment!) in the UK
  • I have two cats who live in my kitchen, though I sometimes let them sleep in the bedroom if I'm feeling sappy.
  • I've been with Boyfriend for 18 months - we live together... but between two houses!
  • Boyfriend is lovely - even though he won't eat anything creamy or cheesy...
  • I really like spicy food - expect to see a lot of it!
Now I hope that will do as an introduction - I'm excited to make a start!!

- kittie